Domesticating diversity

Aardaia works with wild species and forgotten crops, where commercial production is lacking, and a specific demand does not yet exist. To bring these new species to the table we need to innovate and generate a new business model.

We will achieve this by integrating crop improvement with crop production. Our business comprises three components: breeding, production, and licencing. Breeding acts as the engine of crop improvement and the production and licencing provide the financial fuel for this engine to run.

This combination allows us to build market awareness for these new crops. Such awareness will enable us to scale and achieve our goal of bringing new flavours to our plates and diversity to our fields.


Plant breeding is the core of our business; it is the primary generator of intellectual property and allows us to make crops profitable through improvements to yield and quality.


To provide consumers with a taste of what we produce and to fine tune our agronomic practices we ensure that a percentage of our annual breeding efforts are focused on food production.


Our goal is to provide producers with the best possible germplasm. Both in the form of clonal cultivars and hybrid seeds. We aim to licence such cultivars to both producers and nurseries.